Are you ready to free yourself from dis-ease?
Learn & practice life-changing mindsets, tools & habits — with an expert.
Are you ready to free yourself from dis-ease?
Learn & practice life-changing mindsets, tools & habits — with an expert.
My name is Andrea
I’m a skillful functional medicine health coach and I can help you!
If your health is an obstacle between you and the life you want to live, I get it! I know how frustrating it is.
The worst thing about dealing with chronic dis-ease is the feeling that you can’t count on your body. Your plans are always tentative because you don’t know how you might feel. You see your doctors more than your friends. Your medical bills take more of your income every month. Living with chronic dis-ease takes a huge toll on you and the people who love you.
If this is your life and you’re tired of it, you have landed in the right place. You can get better! You can feel healthy. You can take back your life.
How can YOU get well?
First, you need to understand your dis-ease. Why are you experiencing these symptoms? Is there a relationship among them? With that root cause knowledge, you’ll then easily adopt the habits and mindsets that will elevate your health and wellness to a level you never thought possible.
What is functional medicine health coaching?
Functional medicine is a paradigm shift in health care. One born out of dire need for real solutions to the chronic dis-ease epidemic humanity is experiencing. Functional medicine is individualized and root cause-centered.
Instead of treating you like a collection of symptoms and diagnosis, a functional medicine practitioner thinks of you as who you really are – a whole person with multiple dimensions and a complex life experience whose recovery from dis-ease must be equally unique.
Root cause-centered
Instead of trying to alleviate symptoms temporarily and randomly, in functional medicine we know that symptoms are the language of an unbalanced body crying out for help. We ask WHY they are present and HOW they relate to one another to figure out the root causes of the dis-ease.
Coaching is the process of getting inspired to make changes towards accomplishing a goal, becoming educated on the different ways to make those changes, and remaining accountable to implementing and maintaining them over time.
Since 2005, I’ve helped people like you learn how to listen to their bodies and unlock their healing potential using the tools of functional medicine, integrative nutrition, and coaching:
Nutrition and supplementation
Cooking and kitchen organization
Blood tests education
Functional medicine diagnostic tools education
Physical activity
Stress management and spirituality
And by using the wisdom of ancestral nutrition applied in a variety of protocols:
GAPS – Gut & Psychology Syndrome
SCD – Specific Carbohydrate Diet
AIP – Autoimmune Paleo
Low Histamine Diet
Other elimination/provocation protocols
Together we’ll implement these tools to build the bio-individual, realistic and sustainable system of liberation from chronic dis-ease that works for you!
Welcome to Get Well with Andrea
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